SAHM Programs Offered

Under Graduate Programs

Post Graduate Program

Doctoral Programs

Program Info

B.COM (General)

Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com) degree, often referred to as B. Com (General), a three course that covers a broad range of subjects related to commerce, business, finance, accounting, economics, and management.

Business Communication: Covers effective communication techniques, business writing, and interpersonal skills.

Business Mathematics and Statistics: Fundamental mathematical and statistical tools used in business analysis and decision-making.

Principles of Management: Introduction to basic management concepts, functions, and theories.

Introduction to Computers: Basic computer skills and applications relevant to business operations.

Accounting: Financial accounting, managerial accounting, and accounting principles and practices.

   – Economics: Microeconomics and macroeconomics, including supply and demand, market structures, national income accounting, and economic policy.

   – Finance: Introduction to corporate finance, financial markets, investment analysis, and financial management.

   – Business Law: Legal principles and regulations relevant to business operations, contracts, commercial transactions, and business entities.

   – Marketing: Basic principles of marketing, consumer behavior, market research, product development, pricing, promotion, and distribution.

   – Human Resource Management: Introduction to HR functions such as recruitment, selection, training, performance appraisal, and labor relations.

   – International Business: Basics of international trade, globalization, multinational corporations, and international business environments.

Taxation: Basics of income tax, corporate tax, sales tax, and other taxation principles.

   – Entrepreneurship: Introduction to entrepreneurship, business startups, venture capital, and small business management.

   – Risk Management: Principles of risk assessment, risk mitigation strategies, and insurance.

   – Business Ethics: Ethical issues in business decision-making, corporate social responsibility, and sustainable business practices.

   – Supply Chain Management: Basics of logistics, inventory management, procurement, and supply chain optimization.

   – Financial Planning and Analysis: Techniques for financial forecasting, budgeting, and financial statement analysis.

   – Business Information Systems: Introduction to information systems, database management, and enterprise resource planning (ERP).

Internship/Project Work: Hands-on experience in a real-world business environment, often conducted during the final year of the program.

Strategic Management: Integration of various business functions to develop organizational strategies and plans.

   – Business Project/Thesis: Independent research project or thesis on a relevant business topic


Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program focuses on various aspects of business management and administration. The course content of a BBA program covers a wide range of subjects related to business, management, and entrepreneurship. It provides students with a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of business management and prepares them for entry-level positions in diverse industries or for further education at the graduate level, such as pursuing an MBA (Master of Business Administration) or specialized Master’s degrees.

Principles of Management: Introduction to basic management concepts, functions, and theories.

Organizational Behavior: Study of individual and group behavior within organizations.

Business Communication: Development of written and oral communication skills for business settings.

Business Ethics and Corporate Governance: Exploration of ethical issues and principles in business decision-making.

Business Law: Overview of legal principles and regulations relevant to business operations.

Business Mathematics and Statistics: Application of mathematical and statistical techniques in business analysis.

Marketing Management: Principles of marketing, consumer behavior, market research, and promotional strategies.

Financial Management: Basics of finance, financial analysis, investment decisions, and risk management.

Human Resource Management: Recruitment, training, performance evaluation, and employee relations.

Operations Management: Techniques for optimizing production processes, supply chain management, and quality control.

Entrepreneurship: Fundamentals of starting and managing a business, including business plan development and entrepreneurial finance.

The program offers elective courses that allow students to specialize in specific areas of business according to their interests and career goals. Some common elective topics include:

     – International Business

     – E-commerce and Digital              Marketing

     – Strategic Management

     – Financial Accounting

     – Management Information            Systems

     – Retail Management

     – Project Management

Internships: Opportunities for students to gain practical work experience in real-world business settings.

Case Studies: Analysis of real-life business cases to develop problem-solving and decision-making skills.

Projects: Individual or group projects that involve research, analysis, and presentation of business-related topics

Leadership Development: Training in leadership skills, team management, and conflict resolution.

Presentation Skills: Practice in delivering effective presentations and public speaking.

Time Management: Techniques for managing time and priorities effectively in a business environment.

The BBA program includes a capstone project or thesis that allows students to apply their knowledge and skills to solve a real-world business problem or conduct independent research in a specific area of interest.

BBA Digital Marketing

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Digital Marketing is a specialized undergraduate program that focuses on the intersection of business management principles and digital marketing strategies. The course content of a BBA in Digital Marketing program covers a combination of core business subjects, specialized digital marketing courses, and practical components. The program equips students with a solid foundation in business management principles combined with specialized knowledge and skills in digital marketing, preparing them for careers in the rapidly evolving field of digital marketing or for further education at the graduate level.

Principles of Management

– Marketing Management

– Financial Management

– Business Communication

– Business Ethics and Corporate Governance

– Organizational Behavior

Introduction to Digital Marketing: Overview of digital marketing concepts, trends, and strategies.

Digital Marketing Channels: In-depth study of various digital marketing channels such as search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing (SMM), email marketing, content marketing, and affiliate marketing.

Digital Marketing Analytics: Understanding and utilizing data analytics tools and techniques to measure and analyze the performance of digital marketing campaigns.

Content Strategy and Creation: Developing effective content strategies for digital platforms and creating engaging content such as blog posts, videos, infographics, and social media posts.

Social Media Management: Utilizing social media platforms for brand building, customer engagement, and community management.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Techniques for optimizing website content and structure to improve search engine rankings and organic traffic.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Strategies for managing and optimizing paid advertising campaigns on platforms such as Google Ads and social media advertising.

Email Marketing: Designing and implementing email marketing campaigns to reach and engage target audiences.

Mobile Marketing: Understanding the unique aspects of mobile marketing and designing mobile-friendly campaigns.

Digital Marketing Strategy: Developing comprehensive digital marketing strategies aligned with business objectives and target audience needs.

E-commerce and Online Retailing: Exploring the principles of e-commerce and online retailing, including website design, user experience optimization, and conversion rate optimization.

Digital Branding and Reputation Management: Building and managing digital brand presence across various online channels and platforms.

Case Studies: Analyzing real-world digital marketing case studies to understand practical applications of digital marketing strategies.

Projects: Working on individual or group projects to develop digital marketing campaigns for real clients or businesses.

Internships: Gaining hands-on experience through internships at digital marketing agencies, e-commerce companies, or other relevant organizations.

Workshops and Seminars: Participating in workshops, seminars, and guest lectures by industry experts to stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in digital marketing.

Communication Skills: Enhancing written and verbal communication skills for effective marketing communication.

Creative Thinking: Cultivating creativity and innovation in designing digital marketing campaigns and content.

Analytical Skills: Developing analytical skills to interpret data and make data-driven marketing decisions.

Teamwork and Collaboration: Working collaboratively in teams to execute digital marketing projects and campaigns.

The program includes a capstone project where students apply their knowledge and skills to develop a comprehensive digital marketing strategy or campaign for a real client or business.

BBA Shipping and Logistics

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Shipping and Logistics covers a range of topics related to the management of shipping, transportation, and logistics operations. Additionally, there will be elective courses available for students to tailor their studies to their specific interests and career goals.

An overview of the shipping industry, its significance in global trade, and the role of logistics in supply chain management.

Understanding the legal framework governing maritime activities, including international conventions, maritime insurance, and liability issues.

Study of various transportation modes such as maritime, air, rail, and road transport, including their advantages, limitations, and intermodal logistics.

Examination of port infrastructure, operations, and management practices, covering topics such as port logistics, terminal operations, and port security.

Understanding the principles of international trade, import/export regulations, customs procedures, tariffs, and trade agreements.

Concepts and strategies for managing supply chains effectively, including inventory management, demand forecasting, and distribution network design.

Principles of warehousing, storage systems, inventory control techniques, and warehouse management systems.

Introduction to information technology systems used in logistics management, including transportation management systems (TMS) and warehouse management systems (WMS).

Identification and mitigation of risks in logistics operations, including issues related to security, disruptions, and environmental concerns.

Examination of sustainable practices in logistics, including green transportation, eco-friendly packaging, and carbon footprint reduction

Formulation and implementation of supply chain strategies for global markets, considering factors such as sourcing, outsourcing, and international logistics.

Basics of project management principles and tools relevant to logistics projects, including project planning, scheduling, and resource allocation.

Logistics challenges and opportunities in the context of e-commerce, including last-mile delivery, reverse logistics, and omnichannel distribution

Exploration of emerging trends, technologies, and innovations shaping the future of the shipping and logistics industry, such as blockchain, IoT, and autonomous vehicles.

Many programs include a hands-on internship or practicum experience where students can apply their knowledge in real-world logistics settings.

PG Courses


The Master of Business Administration (MBA) program provides a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of business management, preparing students for leadership roles in a wide range of industries. Additionally, the MBA program incorporates guest lectures, case studies, and simulations to provide practical insights into real-world business scenarios.

– Financial Accounting

– Managerial Accounting

– Corporate Finance

– Microeconomics

– Macroeconomics

– Organizational Behavior

– Business Ethics

 – Strategic Management

– Business Statistics

– Quantitative Analysis for Decision Making

– Operations Management

– Data Analytics

– Marketing Strategy

– Consumer Behavior

– Market Research

– Brand Management

– Digital Marketing

– Operations Strategy

– Supply Chain Management

– Lean Six Sigma

– Project Management

– Talent Management

– Compensation and Benefits

– Labor Relations

– Diversity and Inclusion

– Financial Statement Analysis

– Investments

– Risk Management

– Corporate Valuation

– International Finance

– Entrepreneurial Finance

– New Venture Creation

– Innovation Management

– Business Model Innovation

– Leadership Development

– Change Management

– Team Building and Collaboration

– Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

– International Business Strategy

– Cross-Cultural Management

– Global Market Entry Strategies

– International Trade and Finance

 The students will have the opportunity to specialize in areas such as:

– Marketing

– Finance

– Operations Management

– Entrepreneurship

– Healthcare Management

– Information Technology Management

– Sustainability

– Real Estate

– Supply Chain Management

– Leadership

The program requires students to complete a capstone project or thesis, where they apply their learning to solve real-world business problems or conduct research in their area of interest.

Offers internship opportunities or experiential learning projects where students gain practical experience in a business environment

Workshops, seminars, and courses focused on enhancing professional skills such as communication, networking, and presentation skills are often included in MBA programs.

MBA Shipping and Logistics

MBA in Shipping and Logistics combines core business management principles with specialized knowledge in maritime transportation, logistics, and supply chain management. Additionally, guest lectures, case studies, and industry partnerships provide additional insights and practical experiences for students.

– Financial Accounting

– Managerial Accounting

– Corporate Finance

– Microeconomics

– Macroeconomics

– Organizational Behavior

– Business Ethics

 – Strategic Management

– Maritime Economics

– Maritime Law and Policy

– Port and Terminal Management

– Ship Operations and Management

– Maritime Safety and Security

– Logistics Management

– Supply Chain Strategy

– Transportation Management

– Inventory Management

– Warehouse Management

– International Trade Theory and Policy

– Customs Regulations and Compliance

– Trade Finance and Documentation

– Export and Import Management

– Maritime Finance and Investment

– Risk Management in Shipping and Logistics

– Insurance and Legal Aspects of Maritime Business

– Digitalization in Maritime Industry

– Emerging Technologies in Shipping

– Innovation in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

– Green Shipping Practices

– Environmental Regulations and Compliance

– Sustainable Logistics Strategies

– Maritime Strategic Management

– Globalization and Maritime Business

– International Maritime Organizations and Agreements

– Port Operations and Planning

– Intermodal Transportation

– Terminal Design and Management

– Maritime Marketing Strategies

 – Customer Relationship Management in Shipping

 – Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Logistics

– Leadership Development

– Change Management

– Team Building and Collaboration in Maritime Environment

Students are required to complete a capstone project or thesis focusing on a relevant topic in shipping and logistics, applying their knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems or conduct research.

The program offers internship opportunities or experiential learning projects where students gain practical experience in shipping and logistics companies or related industries.

Doctoral Programs

PhD in Management

Ph.D. in Management program is designed to prepare students for academic or research-oriented careers in the field of management. The course content is often highly customizable to accommodate students’ research interests and career goals. Additionally, the program emphasizes hands-on research experience through collaborations with faculty members, research projects, and dissertation work.

Qualitative Research Methods

– Quantitative Research Methods

– Mixed Methods Research

– Research Design and Proposal Development

– Data Collection and Analysis Techniques


Classical and Contemporary Management Theories

– Organizational Theory

– Strategic Management Theory

– Leadership Theory

– Behavioral Sciences in Management

Advanced Topics in Organizational Behavior

– Advanced Topics in Strategic Management

– Advanced Topics in Human Resource Management

– Advanced Topics in Operations Management

– Advanced Topics in Entrepreneurship

– Research Seminars in Management

– Guest Speaker Seminars on Current Topics in Management

– Faculty-led Seminars on Specialized Areas of Management Research

Depending on the student’s research interests and career goals, they can take specialized courses in areas such as:

 – Organizational Behavior

 – Strategic Management

 – Human Resource Management

 – Operations Management

 – Entrepreneurship

 – International Business

 – Technology and Innovation Management

 – Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

Multivariate Statistical Analysis

– Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

– Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM)

– Advanced Regression Analysis

– Time-Series Analysis

– Network Analysis

Teaching Methods and Strategies in Management Education

– Curriculum Development

– Classroom Management

– Assessment and Evaluation Techniques

– Academic Writing for Publication

– Manuscript Preparation and Submission

– Peer Review Process

– Grant Writing

Proposal Development

– Dissertation Writing and Defense

– Dissertation Advising and Mentorship

Career Planning and Development

– Presentation Skills

– Networking and Collaboration

– Conference Participation

Research Ethics and Integrity

– Responsible Conduct of Research

Depending on the research area, students have the opportunity to take elective courses outside the field of management to complement their research interests or develop interdisciplinary expertise.


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